Testing Organizations & Standards Used to Determine QuietCORK™ Values
Testing Organization
QuietCORK™ materials were independently tested by two different certified laboratories in accordance with ASTM and ISO standards. This was done to confirm that on site field testing results were comparable to laboratory results. In addition, comparative testing of QuietCORK™ to other cork underlayment materials in the market were also carried out. Testing results are provided below. Certified copies of all testing results may be obtained by request from Jelinek Cork Group.
National Gypsum Company (NGC) and its 10-acre Research Center in Buffalo, New York is one of the oldest and most comprehensive testing facilities in North America devoted to the evaluation of building materials and construction systems. The acoustical testing facility at NGC Testing Services is considered one of the best and most sophisticated in North America. The acoustical laboratory complex consists of a series of full scale, independent test rooms and a control room containing the instrumentation needed to control and evaluate all the tests being conducted.
Campanella Associates of Columbus, Ohio (formerly known as “ACCULAB”) are an independent acoustical testing, consulting, and research organization. Among other acoustical areas of study, Campanella Associates specialize in Building Acoustics, Noise Reduction, and Material Evaluations. They perform both laboratory and field testing.
Testing Standards
1. Impact Sound Transmission or Impact Insulation Class (IIC) testing of QuietCORK™ was conducted in conformance with ASTM E 492-90 and ASTM E 989-89, measuring impact sound transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies (ISO R-140).
Control Center During IIC Test
Testing Procedure
2. Sound Transmission Control (STC) testing of QuietCORK™ was conducted in conformance with ASTM E 90-97, measuring airborne sound transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies.
Recording STC Results
Recording STC Results
3. Field Impact Isolation Class (FIIC) testing of QuietCORK™ was conducted in accordance with scientifically approved standards for the evaluation and “rank-ordering” of materials to determine which materials performed best under controlled identical environments and testing procedures.
Sophisticated Acoustical Equipment used during one testing procedure.
QuietCORK™ materials have been tested for their acoustical properties. See Testing Results. Certified copies of all testing results may be obtained by request from Jelinek Cork Group.
QuietCORK™ by Jelinek Cork Group
Acoustic Solutions For Impact Noise and Sound Transmission